About UsSecurity & Compliance

Security & Compliance

SoftwareSeni prioritises data security and intellectual property protection, implementing comprehensive measures tailored to our client's needs. Our dedicated team ensures compliance and business continuity, focusing on diverse risk mitigation strategies.

Security Compliance

Compliance with International Standards

Compliance with International Standards

SoftwareSeni complies with global standards to offer industry leading security and reliable cloud services. Our dedication to excellence and compliance showcases our commitment to providing secure and superior solutions.


ISO 27001 Certified

This is the globally recognized standard for information security. We re-wired SoftwareSeni from the ground up with an uncompromising security focus to achieve ISO 27001 certification. We don’t just talk “security”, it’s the foundation of every decision and process, safeguarding your data, your infrastructure, and your business.


AWS Certified

This certification guarantees SoftwareSeni staff have advanced knowledge and skills in providing solutions within the AWS Cloud infrastructure environment. This extends to solving complex problems, optimizing security, cost, and performance, and automating manual processes within the AWS cloud.

Google Cloud

Cloud Digital Leader Certification

We are proud to have a team of developers who are certified in GCP, Google Cloud Platform. This certification demonstrates a wide range of technical skills and a solid understanding of cloud architecture. Our developers can assist our clients that use GCP within their organisation, including innovating with AI, modernising infrastructure and applications, trust and security, scaling and data transformation with Google Cloud.

Microsoft Ceritified

Microsoft Certified: Azure Fundamental

Our SoftwareSeni developers are certified in Microsoft's Cloud Platform, Azure. Azure certifications are in high demand as the need for cloud computing technology rises. Cloud computing is one of the fastest- growing technologies. Our developers are certified Azure administrators, solution architects, developers, and security engineers.

Abiding by Industry Best Practices

We've implemented a comprehensive suite of industry leading safeguards to protect our clients' and employees' data. A specialised team is dedicated to overseeing our compliance, ensuring business continuity, and maintaining information security.

A Steadfast
Commitment to

We're not just about words. Our dedicated team of legal, compliance, and tax consultants guarantees our continuous alignment with up-to-date government regulations and the best industry practices. We’re at the top of our game and are always working to keep it that way.

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Every member of our team follows rigorous cybersecurity protocols. From device encryption and using office VPNs to continuous cybersecurity training, we ensure that the staff handling your data are always aware of the evolving digital threats and equipped to handle them.

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Our in-house Compliance and Audit function continuously scrutinises our operations to ensure full adherence to regulatory mandates and legal requirements.

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and Monitoring

Reliability is also about being there when you need us. Our round-the-clock support system and DevOps monitoring mean that we're always on, always ready, and any emergent issues are addressed swiftly to maintain optimal system performance.

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Response to
Security Threats

In the event of a cyber attack or security incident, we have protocols that swing into action instantly. We prioritise data and system security, and our incident response strategy ensures rapid damage control and service restoration.

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Our systems aren’t just robust; they're also under constant watch. With real-time detection, we can spot and address any irregularities or threats, get out ahead of them and ensure uninterrupted service integrity.

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Abiding by
the Best
in Industry

From timely system updates, trusted plugins, and Cloudflare security to top-notch DevOps practices, we not only follow but also set industry best practices. Your data isn’t just safe with us, it’s protected by the very best.

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Data Privacy and IT Standards

Our team, adept at both on-site and remote work due to various economic factors or client requests, operates with workstations equipped for optimal IT security.

Data Privacy

Our Data Privacy

Data Privacy Dot Logo

Secure Working Spaces

Our offices are situated within private and secure buildings, featuring security cameras and guards monitoring all entry points. Each office building has its own security personnel, alongside strict protocols managing the movement of assets and personnel.

Security Personnel

Our buildings are overseen by private security guards at the front desk, diligently monitoring all entries and exits.

Controlled Access

Entry to our premises is secured through network-controlled proximity fingerprint devices, ensuring authorized access only.


We equip our offices with 24/7 operational security cameras for constant vigilance.

Workstation Areas

We strategically isolate our workstations from meeting spaces to safeguard confidential customer intellectual property, ensuring a secure and focused work environment.

Resilient Business Operations and Disaster Preparedness

SoftwareSeni is thoroughly prepared to maintain seamless operations during any unforeseen natural disaster events. Our facilities are equipped with complete infrastructure redundancy and adhere to world-class business continuity standards. We have a dedicated team of 5 IT professionals and offer round-the-clock IT support, ensuring our clients' operations remain uninterrupted.

Service Level Agreement (SLA)

We provide a 99.9% uptime guarantee as part of our service commitment.


Our locations are equipped with backup generators to manage any electrical outages effectively.

Robust Internet Connectivity

We maintain multiple internet connections from top-tier providers, along with remote connections via VPN (when staff are required to WFH), to ensure consistent online access.

Remote Work Capabilities

Our infrastructure supports remote working, enabling staff to efficiently work from home using laptops and internet connectivity, ensuring business continuity under any circumstances.

Human Resource Policy Framework

Our talent acquisition process is designed with stringent screening protocols to guarantee that all employees meet our work standards.


We perform detailed third-party background checks on candidates in the hiring phase.

Employment Contracts

Our contracts all contain clauses around non-disclosure agreements (NDAs), IP Ownership and non-compete terms to safeguard customer interests.

Onboarding Process

New employees undergo thorough training focused on data and intellectual property security as part of their onboarding.

Offboarding Procedures

The offboarding process involves careful deactivation of all employee-related accounts, passwords, and proximity cards, and includes the return of all company-issued devices.

Need a reliable team to help achieve your software goals?

Drop us a line! We'd love to discuss your project.



55 Pyrmont Bridge Road
Pyrmont, NSW, 2009

55 Pyrmont Bridge Road, Pyrmont, NSW, 2009, Australia

+61 2-8123-0997



Plaza Indonesia, 5th Level Unit
Jl. M.H. Thamrin Kav. 28-30
Jakarta 10350

Plaza Indonesia, 5th Level Unit E021AB, Jl. M.H. Thamrin Kav. 28-30, Jakarta 10350, Indonesia

+62 858-6514-9577



Jl. Banda No. 30
Bandung 40115

Jl. Banda No. 30, Bandung 40115, Indonesia

+62 858-6514-9577



Unit A & B
Jl. Prof. Herman Yohanes No.1125, Terban, Gondokusuman, Yogyakarta,
Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55223

Unit A & B Jl. Prof. Herman Yohanes No.1125, Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55223, Indonesia

+62 274-4539660